Jericoacoara windsurf clinic

Jericoacoara, 2024. An amazing few weeks it has been again, as…

WING camp Karpathos

Last week was my WING camp in Karpathos, and I am still smiling…

Clinics 2025

I came back from Karpathos last week and when I went for a windsurf…

6 days of fasting

I have done quite some water fasting this year. A few 'shorter'…

Clinics 2024

While sitting at home in Holland, drinking hot tea as it's cold…

Return to the World Tour (as a single mom)

I had been competing for nine years when I unexpectedly stopped…

Alacati 2023

Behind the laptop, but still smiling thinking back of the great…

De kracht van ademhaling

De kracht van ademhaling. De meeste topsporters kunnen zich…

the love for WING

I am a windsurfer, yes. But I am more than that, I am also Arrianne,…